Spring Flowers Double Irish Chain Quilt in four sizes: Lap, Single, Double, Queen


Fresh as a breath of spring, this lovely Double Irish Chain Quilt is now available in brand new fabrics, as shown in the accompanying photo.
You can choose from four different sizes for your kit:
Lap Quilt 142cm square | Single Bed Size 157cm x 244cm | Double Bed Size 193cm x 244cm | Queen Bed Size 219cm x 244cm
The pattern has instructions for all four sizes.


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Even though it might look a little complicated, the Double Irish Chain quilt is one of the easiest to make. Our instructions give a very simple technique for making the blocks, of which there are only two variations, and once you’ve pieced all the blocks, putting it together is a breeze.
We no longer have the fabrics pictured in the quilt sample, but we have collected a lovely array of new fabrics in shades of pink, yellow and green ~ the perfect combination for spring!
And wouldn’t this gorgeous quilt look amazing if you embroidered the light coloured squares! My choice of course would be embroidered hearts, such as the ones in our quilt “Romance of the Roses”. If you would like just the pattern for these twelve hearts, included with your kit, write this in the comments column and we will include the patterns for these hearts at no extra cost. But you must tell us you want them when you order!

Spring Flowers Double Irish Chain Quilt

Lap Size, Single Bed, Double Bed, Queen Bed, Pattern

Double Irish Chain Quilt

Lap Size, Single Bed, Double Bed, Queen Bed, Pattern